Sunday, April 22, 2007

Picks of the Day

Total: 204.46 Units

Houston Astros -1.5 over Milwaukee Brewers
Bet 1 Unit to win 1.20 Units

Two of my fantasy pitchers facing off in this one, so I'll be hoping for just a 2 - 0 game or so... but Roy Oswalt certainly has the edge on Dave Bush, and should win in this showdown.

San Diego Padres @ Colorado Rockies UNDER 10 runs
Bet 1.05 Units to win 1 Unit

Greg Maddux facing off against one of my favorite sleepers in Jason Hirsh. San Diego puts up 4 runs MAXIMUM... and I trust the ageless Maddux to keep the Rockies to 6 or less.

New Jersey Devils over Tampa Bay Lightning MONEYLINE
Bet 1.05 Units to win 1 Unit

Great deal on this bet; despite the fact that this is in Tampa Bay, we are talking about the 2nd in the East New Jersey Devils, and we are talking about the greatest goalie of all time here. Well worth a play that the Devils finish this series up tonight in Tampa Bay.

Good luck!

RESULTS: 1 Unit Won (205.46 Units)

1 comment:

Vegas Dave said...

Ben Wall said...

Alright Dave, through a petty little 10 pound bet on Jersey, enough to make the game fun and buy a few drinks with, I might start betting the Dave's picks religiously and see what happens... got the old betting shop right down the street so its easy and fun to do...

April 22, 2007 5:43 AM

Vegas Dave said...

As long as you don't send any hitmen my way when the picks go cold, bet away my friend... I'll try my best to keep picking winners. Good luck!

April 22, 2007 11:43 AM

Ben Wall said...

Ha well, I'll be choosy, got a nice little win there to get out on a good foot well look to go from there...

Im keeping the units small at just 10 pounds, or 20 bucks, I know how fast that stuff goes south...

April 22, 2007 12:58 PM