Monday, April 23, 2007

Picks of the Day

Total: 205.46 Units

New York Mets -1.5 over Colorado Rockies
Bet 2 Units to win 2 Units

John Maine has been lights out for the Mets this season... but that isn't even really the point here. Assuming Maine (who has been great) and Buchholz (who is mediocre) were evenly matched, I'd still say the Mets' bats would win this game by 2 runs. The fact that they aren't evenly matched makes this a very good play.

Dallas Stars over Vancouver Canucks MONEYLINE
Bet 1 Unit to win 1.05 Units

No disrespect meant to the Canucks, who had a damn solid season to win their division and earn the home ice they have tonight. And, no money back guarantee that Turco doesn't revert back to his old playoff self now that everything is on the line. But I had a great feeling about the Stars winning this series before it began, and I have an even better feeling about it now. Even on intense road ice, this is their series to lose; and I don't think they are going to. Wouldn't recommend too much more than a unit on any Game 7... but it'll be a unit well spent.

Good luck!

RESULTS: 1 Unit Won (206.46 Units)

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