Sunday, May 6, 2007

Picks of the Day

Total: 186.95 Units

Yesterday I got absolutely murdered, but today I bet without fear. Plenty of good plays; let the past be the past and make some picks

San Diego Padres -1.5 over Florida Marlins
Bet .5 Units to win .5 Units

Until the Padres actually win a game for Peavy, I can't bet them with any confidence. But this certainly is a game that the Padres should be able to handle.

Milwaukee Brewers -1.5 over Pittsburgh Pirates
Bet 4 Units to win 3.48 Units

If the red-hot Brewers with Ben Sheets at the helm can't convincingly beat Tony Armas Jr, I will seriously consider retiring from picking sports games.

Cleveland Indians -1.5 over Baltimore Orioles
Bet 1.50 Units to win 1.50 Units

CC Sabathia heading off against bullpen guy Brian Burres. Yesterday proved that there is no such thing as sure things, but this one looks good.

Boston Red Sox -1.5 over Minnesota Twins
Bet 2 Units to win 1.74 Units

Curt Schilling facing Sidney Ponson... not to mention the Sox bats will be itching to hit after being dominated by Santana.

Good luck!

Results: 3.48 Units Won (190.43 Units)

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