Saturday, May 5, 2007

Picks of the Day

Total: 197.10 Units

San Jose Sharks over Detroit Red Wings MONEYLINE
Bet 1 Unit to win 1.35 Units

Gotta stand by my Sharks in 6 pick, and in order for that to happen, its gotta be the Sharks in game 5. We'll see.

Philadelphia Phillies over San Fransisco Giants MONEYLINE
Bet 1 Unit to win 1 Unit

I'll take the Phils to slug it out with just about anyone, and Leiber has been pitching well since his return to the starting roll, so I'll take the even money bet here.

For some reason, today just happens to have a ton of match-ups where the better team also happens to have the better pitcher going. Easy money? We'll see. But I'm betting all of these for that reason;

Milwaukee Brewers -1.5 over Pittsburgh Pirates
Bet 1 Unit to win 1.45 Units

Suppan over Duke.

Atlanta Braves -1.5 over Los Angeles Dodgers
Bet 1 Unit to win 1.35 Units

Hudson over Lowe

Cincinnati Reds -1.5 over Colorado Rockies
Bet 1 Unit to win 1.45 Units

Harang over Cook

Los Angeles Angels -1.5 over Chicago White Sox
Bet 2 Units to win 2.70 Units

Lackey over Garland

*Tampa Bay Devil Rays -1.5 over Oakland Athletics
Bet 1 Unit to win 1.45 Units

Okay, so the A's are the better team, but Kazmir over Kennedy

Toronto Blue Jays over Texas Rangers
Bet 2.10 Units to win 2 Units

THE DOC over Padilla

Good luck!

**2.5 Units lost on New Jersey Devils losing the series**

Results: 10.15 Units Lost (186.95 Units)

(This was one of the unluckiest days of my life, and I'm not just talking about picking games... so really no surprise at all that every single game (but one) that could go wrong for me did.)

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