Friday, April 27, 2007

Picks of the Day

Total: 206.18 Units

Dallas Mavericks -4.5 over Golden State Warriors
Bet 1.10 Units to win 1 Unit

I'm STILL not sold on the whole Golden State has Dallas's number thing. I'm really not. Granted, it isn't like it doesn't have any support; I just can't and won't pass on the best team in basketball, a tier above everyone but the Suns, at - only 4.5.

Florida Marlins @ Philadelphia Phillies UNDER 10 runs
Bet 1.10 Units to win 1 Unit

Anabel Sanchez VS. Freddy Garcia... not that either is superstar material, but 10 runs is a lot of runs. I don't expect both teams to score over 5, so as long as one team doesn't get too carried away, this should stay under.

Milwaukee Brewers @ Houston Astros UNDER 8 runs
Bet 1.15 Units to win 1 Unit

Chris Capuano VS. Roy Oswalt. Now there's a pitching duel! Neither team hits 4 runs in this one; under all the way.

Chicago Cubs @ St. Louis Cardinals OVER 8.5 runs
Bet 1.15 Units to win 1 Unit

Jason Marquis VS. Anthony Reyes. Hmm. Despite the fact that Marquis is off to a great start this year, I'm still not sold. I just don't see this one being a defensive struggle... I've been wrong before, but I'll bet the bats here.

Los Angeles Dodgers over San Diego Padres MONEYLINE
Bet 1.03 Units to win 1 Unit

After a lackluster series against the Giants, the Dodgers will bounce back tonight against my disowned pick for breakout of the year candidate Clay Hensley.

Buffalo Sabres -1.5 over New York Rangers
Bet 1 Unit to win 1.60 Units

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Give me the best team in the East at home in the playoffs VS. a 6 seed and I'll make this bet 10 out of 10 times.

Anaheim Ducks -1.5 over Vancouver Canucks
Bet 1 Unit to win 1.50 Units

Same story here. I'd love to see Luongo stand on his head and steal this game, but give me the Ducks at home every time at these odds.

Good luck!

Results: 3.35 Units Lost (202.83 Units)

1 comment:

Vegas Dave said...

Ben Wall said...

Ha, somehow you went 2-7 and 2-6 on back to back nights and I ended up plus a unit. Now that, is living right.

April 27, 2007 11:32 PM

Josh said...

if you're going 2-7 and 2-6, i need you to start picking against the mavs so they win. thanks.


April 28, 2007 12:09 AM