Sunday, April 29, 2007

Picks of the Day

Total: 197.78 Units

Philadelphia Phillies -1.5 over Florida Marlins
Bet 1 Unit to win 1.25 Units

Jamie Moyer has pitched well thus far this season, and the Phillies have the bats to muscle some run support for him out of Wes Obermueller.

Los Angeles Dodgers over San Diego Padres MONEYLINE
Bet 1.05 Units to win 1 Unit

Lowe over Wells I'll take any day of the week, even if the San Diego bats have been heating up a little bit of late.

New York Yankees -1.5 over Boston Red Sox
Bet 2 Units to win 2 Units

Chien-Ming Wang is better than Julian Tavares. The Yanks offense is better than the Red Sox offense. The game is at Yankee stadium. Even my cold streak can't lose me this one can it?

Minnesota Twins -1.5 over Detroit Tigers
Bet 2.10 Units to win 2 Units

Despite the fact that betting on Santana hasn't boded well for me thus far this year, the point remains that he is the best pitcher in the game today, and Mike Maroth is very ordinary. Another pick I just don't see dropping.

Tampa Bay Devil Rays -1.5 over Oakland Athletics
Bet 1 Unit to win 1.35 Units

Scott Kazmir should dominate this Oakland A's offense, and if he gets any run support whatsoever, this bet should hold up.

Buffalo Sabres over New York Rangers MONEYLINE
Bet 1 Unit to win 1.05 Units

Rangers could very well win this game, but you know how I feel about being offered one of (if not the) best team in the league at better than even money without having to give up a goal and a half...

Good luck! I need it!

Results: 1.50 Units Lost (196.28 Units)

1 comment:

Vegas Dave said...

Ben Wall said...

So I'm gonna go with Florida, Padres, Red Sox, and Tigers today. :D

Ha no I'm betting all four of those MLB games like you said... No way you are dropping 4 out of 4 on back to backers.. Im only going 1.5 units instead of 2 though. Holding off on that NHL game, I have a shitty feeling about Buffalo.

April 29, 2007 5:21 AM